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Production Notebooks

Keeping a Production Notebook is an industry-standard practice that helps you stay organized during your shoot and always have the appropriate paperwork when you need it. We recommend all student productions that shoot off-campus or have multi-day shooting schedules keep some sort of production notebook.

Students making a Senior Project Film are required to keep a Production Notebook. The notebook must contain:


  • Locked Script
  • Storyboard
  • Script Breakdown
  • Shot List (Narrative)
  • Location overheads/Lighting setups (Narrative)
  • Interview questions and shooting plans for locations (Documentary)
  • Casting Notes and Actor’s Headshots
  • One-line Schedule/Shooting Schedule
  • Budget with Actuals


  • Call Sheets
  • Daily Production Reports
  • Cast and Crew Contact List


  • Location Agreements/Releases
  • Proof of Insurance
  • Shooting Permits
  • Cast/Subject & Crew Liability Waivers & Contracts
  • SAG paperwork (if applicable)
  • Rights & Clearances Log and any necessary proof of rights/clearances
  • Composer release form

Post Production

  • Notes and samples for composer (if applicable)
  • Revised script or storyboard for editor
  • Credits List signed off on by producer and director