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Access Agreement

MediaHub Access Agreement

The Vanguard MediaHub is a combination of physical space, computers & peripherals (printers, scanners, etc), filmmaking and photography equipment inventory, and personalized and group tutoring and workshop opportunities in the media arts. The Vanguard MediaHub is available only for current Vanguard University Communication students or students who have enrolled in select Communication courses.

These services are a privilege, not a right, and as such are bound by certain requirements, outlined in the Communication Department’s Access Agreement below. Students are encouraged to read it carefully.

Entry into the Communication facilities (Scott 140, Scott 235, Tech 116) and use of equipment, software, MediaHub services/website all constitute agreement with the terms and conditions of the Access Agreement.


Access to the MediaHub’s facilities, equipment and resources is limited to faculty, staff and students who have paid their access fee for the current semester.

Violating the access policy is grounds for suspension from the MediaHub and referral to Student Life. You may not:

  • Give another student your ID card
  • Let another student (who does not meet the criteria of 1.2.1) into any of the facilities
  • Use your account to print for another student
  • Use your account to print materials for a campus office that has a printing budget (SGA, Student Life, OSE, Spiritual Formation, etc.)
  • Check out equipment for another student


Others may be granted limited access rights for the purpose of their involvement in course-related assignments. Examples include non-Communication majors who may be acting or serving as crew on a student film, serving as interview subjects for a research assignment, or who are study partners for COMM 201C: Public Speaking or another general Communication course.

Students who bring guests for their involvement in course-related assignments must understand that they ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE BEHAVIOR OF THEIR GUEST(S). Students are not allowed to leave their guests unattended at any time. Guests include any individual you allow entrance into the lab. If you open the door for a stranger, they are considered your guest. Do not open the door for students you do not know, especially at night. Let’s keep each other safe.



The MediaHub spaces are a unique privilege at Vanguard. We expect Communication majors to take pride in the facilities and share the responsibility to monitor and maintain the quality of the space, computers and specialized resources. All facilities have 24/7 keycard access and are monitored with security cameras.

Your card is automatically activated based on your student file/enrollment data. Campus Safety will not activate your card.

THE STUDIOS. The Studios are located in Scott 140. Keycard access to the Studios is limited to Communication students with a concentration in Film & Visual Storytelling. Students enrolled in select Communication courses that require the use of the specialized resources located in the Studios will also have access for the duration of the course. The Studios contains specialized edit bays, an audio recording bay and booth, and a cyclorama insert stage. Other Communication students may request to use the Studios via the reservation forms on the MediaHub website.

THE LAB. The Lab is located in Scott 235. All Communication majors have access privileges. The Lab contains computers, printers, study space and collaborative work space.

THE CLASSROOM. The Classroom is located in Tech 116. All Communication courses requiring equipment or computer software training will be scheduled in the Tech 116 classroom. Students may access the room when classes are not in session for computer-related work, group study sessions, auditions or equipment practice.

Communication faculty and staff reserve the right to bar student access to the facilities when the space and/or resources are needed for a class activity or a MediaHub Workshop or tutoring session. Signs will be posted in advance of any closures.
Students may request to reserve parts of the facilities for a class project, such as the insert stage in the Studios. Such requests require faculty approval and are not guaranteed. Requests must be made 2 business days in advance, and signage will be posted.


Students are not allowed to move, alter or rewire any computer, peripheral device, television or technological device in the MediaHub facilities. If something is not working, ask a MediaHub staff member for assistance and/or email mediahub@vanguard.edu.

Do not move larger items of furniture, such as sofas. If armchairs, benches or stools need to be moved, then pick up the item and move it carefully. Put it back when you are done.

Do not drag, yank, kick or stand on furniture. If you need to put your feet up to be comfortable, use a stool. Make it your goal to leave furniture intact and clean for the next person. If a piece of furniture breaks, report it immediately so it can be fixed.

Do not take furniture out of the room it belongs in. Moving furniture from one space to another causes damage to walls and doorways and to the furniture itself. If you feel a space needs a different kind of furnishing, suggest it to the Department. Student feedback is always encouraged.

Supplies and extras, such as coffee/K-cups, cleaning supplies, scissors, paper, graphic design supplies, computer mice and keyboards, and more, are for use in the MediaHub only. Taking any of these items out of the MediaHub constitutes stealing, and will be treated as such. Students seen removing items will be fined the retail cost of that item and reported to Student Life for disciplinary action. Students will also lose their access privileges.


Equipment Checkout is limited to Vanguard Communication faculty, staff, Communication majors, and students who are currently enrolled in selected Vanguard Communication classes and have:

  • Paid their access fee for the semester
  • Have not been suspended from the MediaHub due to conduct

All equipment is for Communication classwork only. Students wishing to use university equipment for internships, campus extracurricular activities (SGA, Student Life, etc), must apply to the department to have the project classified as a portfolio project. See the Student Production Handbook for more details.

Equipment use is allocated each semester depending on the courses being offered. Certain courses may reserve equipment for instructional use during the semester. SOME ITEMS ARE RESTRICTED to class instruction or to advanced students who have received training and permission to use this equipment.


Reservations for equipment must be made online at vucomm.me
Students are responsible for completing the Access Agreement and for paying their access fee for the semester BEFORE requesting equipment. If you have not completed these steps, you can expect a delay in getting equipment.

Equipment may be reserved up to four weeks in advance of the check out time. Students are responsible for canceling or amending time/date changes for reservations.
Reservations for equipment in high demand will be restricted for equal opportunity access. For example, If you have a camera checked out on Monday, you may not be able to reserve it for check out on Tuesday.


Equipment checkout and returns take place at the Vanguard Studios in Scott 140. Check the website for posted hours. Pickup instructions will be in your reservation confirmation emails.

You must have received training on equipment before you are authorized to borrow that equipment. You cannot reserve equipment that you have not been trained on and have not been authorized to check out.

You must have your valid Vanguard ID card only (no other forms of identification are valid), your reservation confirmation, and already be authorized for the equipment you wish to borrow.

Equipment must be reserved before checkout. Equipment will be ready for you at your assigned checkout time.

All equipment that is checked out must be thoroughly inspected by you before you leave the facility. You will be held responsible for all missing / damaged parts, even if you did not misplace or damage the equipment. Inspect the equipment before you take it!

Check to make sure that your equipment is working properly before you leave the equipment area. You will be held responsible for all non-working equipment.

While checking out equipment, pay close attention to the return time. The return time is recorded in our database. It is your responsibility to know when your equipment is due and to return it on time.


Equipment is to be returned in the same condition it was checked out in. This means all equipment should be returned in its case and with all accessories, in neat and proper order, all cables should be coiled and tied, all surfaces should be clear of tape, and absolutely no equipment will be accepted if it is wet or dirty!

You are responsible for the equipment you have checked out. If a piece of equipment is stolen, lost, or returned damaged, broken, or missing parts, you will be held financially liable and will be billed for the cost of its replacement, including shipping and handling costs. The university only covers damage in excess of $3,000.

Equipment should NEVER be left unattended. Return equipment before going to lunch, dinner or class. Never lend your equipment to anyone else. You will be held liable for any damage or problems that occur on your checkout.

You remain responsible for a piece of equipment until it is re-entered into our database.
Leaving equipment in the Communication Office, with a professor, with another student, or in the Studios, Lab or Classroom does not constitute a “return.” You are responsible for booking your own return times. If you do leave a piece of equipment unattended and it is damaged or stolen, you will be held liable.

If equipment is found abandoned, you will be charged a $50.00 fine in addition to any late fees.


Late fees will be assessed for equipment not returned at the time and date shown in the checkout database. Failure to respond promptly to a late equipment notice will result in a loss of privileges. This may impair class standing.

Late Fees are assessed as $5 fee per hour when returning the same day, or $50 per day starting the next business day. No exceptions. Fees will be assessed effective immediately, not allowing you to reserve or check out any additional equipment until fees are paid.

Equipment returned 15 minutes after the time specified on an agreement will begin to accrue late fees. Equipment that is not returned before the IT Help Desk closing time on the date of return will be charged a $50 daily late fee.

If equipment is returned late on three separate occasions in the same semester the student will be barred from further checkout of media equipment for a period of time equal to one full semester. Failure to respond to a late notice within 24 hours may also result in a loss of privileges.

Late fees are payable in cash or added to your student bill. If you must write a check, make payable to Vanguard University with a memo fine of “Vanguard MediaHub late fee.” No credit cards.

There will be no rebuttal for any student regarding late fees. The above procedures are final notice.

If you do not pay the fees posted to your account, you will not be allowed to checkout equipment, and you may be denied access to Vanguard MediaHub facilities. In addition, you may be remanded to the Provost and / or a collection agency if payment is delinquent for more than 30 days.


The use of the MediaHub is a privilege, not a right. Treat your fellow students with respect. We all share this space and help maintain it through the Access fee. To create a healthy environment for all, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Report strangers and unrecognized students. No outside guests or strangers are allowed to use computers or printers. Report non-Comm students/unauthorized individuals immediately to the MediaHub student workers or Coordinator (if after hours, call Campus Safety)
  2. No food or drink in the Classroom, the Studios, or the computer area in the Lab. Coffee and water are allowed in the coffee bar area and conference room. If you spill, clean up after yourself immediately. Paper towels and cleaning supplies can be found under the coffee bar.
  3. No stealing. When you take or “borrow” items from the MediaHub, you are stealing from the university and your fellow students. Cables, keyboards, mice, printer paper and similar, are all items that the department has to carefully budget for, no matter how small. Your actions impact your peers and the health of our community.
  4. Report broken or malfunctioning items. Do not attempt to fix them yourself. Report them promptly, even if you are to blame. The Communication Department understand that sometimes things just break and that accidents happen. What is important is that the item can be replaced/repaired quickly, so that it will not negatively impact other students.
  5. Be kind to the furniture. You are welcome here and belong here, but this is not your personal furniture. Everyone shares the space and no one wants to sit where your dirty shoes have been or find your trash in the couch cushions.
  6. Be respectful of requests for quiet. Use headphones when editing, listening to music or watching videos. If you are working with a group, use the conference room or consider moving outside.
  7. Be responsible for your own stuff. Students accept responsibility for personal items brought into the Studios. Vanguard MediaHub and the Communication Department will not be held responsible for any missing, misplaced, or stolen items. Report all thefts to Campus Safety. Items found in the MediaHub facilities will be turned in daily to the Lost and Found in the Campus Safety offices.
  8. Be a person of character. Stress can run high, so be kind to each other. Speak up if someone is being bullied or treated unfairly. Clean up after yourself. Put the needs of others first. Help make the MediaHub a safe and functional place for all.