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Index of Forms

Below you will find the legal forms you need for your film, as well as a list of helpful production form templates that you may use for any of your projects. You will need to sign into Microsoft with your Vanguard credentials to download the forms.

Legal Forms

Cast & Crew Release

Emergency Contact/Medical Form

Location Agreement

Certificate of Insurance Request Form
note: located on the vanguard.edu student portal–you will need to sign in.

Music Release Form

Production Templates

Script Breakdown Template

Storyboard Template

Sample One-Line Schedule
note: this is an example, produced from professional scheduling software. You can use whatever format you like, but you should have a shooting schedule for each shoot day.

Call Sheet Template

Sample Budget Template

Daily Production Report Template

Camera Report Template

Sample Rights and Clearances Logs

Donation Letter*
note: request a copy from the Communication office.

University Forms

Portfolio Project Approval Request

Driver Authorization Form
note: located on the vanguard.edu student portal–you will need to sign in.

Vanguard Studios Reservation Form

Disclaimer: Vanguard University and its employees do not give any warranties or assurances regarding use of these forms.