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Project Types

At Vanguard, we believe you should make as many projects as possible during your time as a student. Leaving the university with a robust portfolio/reel makes you a solid candidate for jobs and graduate school.

Approval process for projects and availability of equipment and facilities varies by project category. All film projects fall into one of these three categories:

  • Class Projects
  • Senior Film Projects
  • Portfolio Projects

Class Projects

Class Projects are those assigned by your professor to meet the learning outcomes of a specific course. Equipment needs for Class Projects are pre-approved and reservations can be submitted through the online checkout system. If you request equipment or facilities that are outside of the parameters of your class project, you may be asked to meet with your professor and explain your request to receive approval.

The following courses have approved class projects:

  • COMM 222: Photography
  • COMM 229: Intermediate Filmmaking
  • COMM 375: Television Studio Production
  • COMM 382: Cinema Technology Series (depends on topic)
  • COMM 381: Photojournalism
  • COMM 385: New Media Production
  • COMM 386: Music Video Production
  • COMM 387: Post-Production
  • COMM 388: Visual Storytelling: Narrative
  • COMM 389: Visual Storytelling: Documentary
  • COMM 406: Social Media
  • COMM 495: Sports Media
  • COMM 458: Alternative Storytelling Techniques
  • COMM 460: Advanced Filmmaking
  • COMM 470: Special Topic (depends on topic)

Senior Film Projects

Senior Film Projects are the films made by students enrolled in COMM 496/497: Senior Project. Students must go through a greenlight process with their selected faculty advisor. Senior Film Projects receive priority treatment for reservations of advanced filmmaking equipment and the studio stage, edit bays and sound recording suite.

Portfolio Projects

If you wish to make a project outside of Class Projects and Senior Film Projects, you may do so at any time with your own equipment and resources. However, if you wish to use university equipment and facilities, the project must be intended for inclusion in your graduating portfolio/reel and receive approval from the department. You must submit the Portfolio Project Approval Request form to request approval.

Allow 7 business days for approval/denial. If the project is approved for your portfolio/reel, understand that your equipment request is still subject to an “as-available” policy–Class Projects and Senior Film Projects have priority. It is recommended that you submit your request at least 2 weeks prior to your shoot date.

Note: this policy does not apply to computer usage. The lab and classroom computers and software are available to you for any type of project without requiring prior authorization.