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Approval and Safety Guidelines

Making a film is an exciting endeavor, but there are many liabilities associated with a film shoot. Your professor is your best resource for guidance on this issue, but there are a certain potentially hazardous or high risk/expense conditions that are forbidden from ALL Vanguard student productions (with rare, faculty-approved exceptions). These include, but are not limited to:

  • Stunts (ask what might constitute a stunt if you’re not sure)
  • Firearms or Other Weapons (actual or prop)
  • Shooting from Moving Vehicles or Transport Devices (buses, cars, bicycles, skateboards, etc.)
  • Having any Cast or Crew member operate a Moving Vehicle or Transport Device
  • Use of Minors (anyone under the age of 18)
  • Use of Animals
  • Fire or other Pyrotechnics
  • Shooting in or Near Water
  • External Equipment Rentals
  • Aerial Camera Drones
  • Blocking or Disrupting Public Space
  • Copyrighted Materials (see Rights & Clearances)

Ask your professors when attempting anything that might expose you, your crew, your actors or the equipment to undue risk while shooting. Ignorance is never an accepted excuse.

Should you and your professor determine that the inclusion of one or more of the above conditions has vital narrative value to your film, a proposal can be submitted to the Communication Department for evaluation. Should an exception be approved, be aware that it will often constitute extra expenses on your part and extra time for permitting. For example, Vanguard insurance does not cover any of the above exclusions, nor does it cover equipment rentals from outside vendors. It is possible to purchase additional insurance for special cases, but it can be expensive and can take several weeks to acquire.

In short, talk to your professors!