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Equipment Checkout

Equipment checkout is limited to current Vanguard students with a Communication major OR who are currently enrolled in a qualified Vanguard Communication class and have:

  1. Paid their access fee for the semester
  2. Have not been suspended from the Studios or Lab due to conduct

Be prepared to show a valid VU ID card for all equipment transactions. Students are granted access privileges only when their account has been charged the access fee. This occurs automatically based on your major or class enrollment. If you believe you should have access, but do not, contact the Communication office: comm.support@vanguard.edu.

Equipment use is restricted to current students who have access privileges. If you loan equipment to others or allow persons without access privileges to use equipment that you checked out, you may have your access privileges revoked. This is for your own protection, as university insurance only covers loss, damage or injury for authorized students. All equipment operators using equipment owned by the department should be current faculty, staff or students with access privileges.

Equipment and Facility use is allocated each semester depending on the courses being offered. Certain courses may reserve equipment and/or facility suites for instructional use during the semester. SOME ITEMS ARE RESTRICTED to class instruction or to advanced students who have received training and permission to use this equipment. See Project Types section below.

Reserving Equipment

Reservations for equipment must be made online at vumediahub.com/equipment.

Equipment may be reserved up to four weeks in advance of the check out time. Students are responsible for canceling or amending time/date changes for reservations.

Reservations are restricted to 24 hour periods (excluding weekends) for equal opportunity access. For example, If you have a camera checked out on Monday, you may not be able to reserve it for check out on Tuesday.

Checking Out and Picking Up Equipment

Equipment is only available for checkout Monday-Friday from the MediaHub in Scott 140. When you book your equipment on the reservation system, you choose your pick-up and return times.

You must have received training on equipment before you are authorized to borrow that equipment. You cannot reserve equipment that you have not been trained on and have not been authorized to check out.

You must have your valid Vanguard ID card only (no other forms of identification are valid), your reservation confirmation, and already be authorized for the equipment you wish to borrow.

Equipment must be reserved before checkout. Equipment will be ready for you at your assigned checkout time.

All equipment that is checked out must be thoroughly inspected by you before you leave the facility. You will be held responsible for all missing / damaged parts, even if you did not misplace or damage the equipment. Inspect the equipment before you take it!

Check to make sure that your equipment is working properly before you leave the MediaHub. You will be held responsible for all non-working equipment.

While checking out equipment, pay close attention to the return time. The return time is recorded in our database. It is your responsibility to know when your equipment is due and to return it on time.

Returning Equipment

Equipment is to be returned in the same condition it was checked out in. This means all equipment should be returned in its case and with all accessories, in neat and proper order, all cables should be coiled and tied, all surfaces should be clear of tape, and absolutely no equipment will be accepted if it is wet or dirty!

You are responsible for the equipment you have checked out. If a piece of equipment is stolen, lost, or returned damaged, broken, or with missing parts, you will be held financially liable and will be billed for the cost of its replacement, including shipping and handling costs. The university only covers damage in excess of $3,000. See detailed fee schedule in the next section.

Equipment should NEVER be left unattended. Return equipment before going to lunch, dinner or class. Never lend your equipment to anyone else. You will be held liable for any damage or problems that occur on your checkout.

You remain responsible for a piece of equipment until it is re-entered into our database.

Leaving equipment outside the MediaHub, in the Communication Office, with a professor, with another student, or in the Studios, Lab or Tech 116 does not constitute a “return.” You are responsible for the equipment until it is checked back in by a MediaHub team member. If you do leave a piece of equipment unattended and it is damaged or stolen, you will be held liable.

If equipment is found abandoned, you will be charged a $50.00 fine in addition to any late fees.

Late Fees and Fines

Late fees will be assessed for equipment not returned at the time and date shown in the checkout database. Failure to respond promptly to a late equipment notice will result in a loss of privileges. This may impair class standing.

Late Fees are assessed as $5 fee per hour when returning the same day, or $50 per day starting the next business day. No exceptions. Fees will be assessed effective immediately, not allowing you to reserve or check out any additional equipment until fees are paid.

Equipment returned 15 minutes after the time specified in the database will begin to accrue late fees. Equipment that is not returned at the scheduled return time will be charged a $50 daily late fee.

If equipment is returned late on three separate occasions in the same semester the student will be barred from further checkout of media equipment for a period of time equal to one full semester. Failure to respond to a late notice within 24 hours may also result in a loss of privileges.

Late fees are payable in cash or added to your student bill. If you must write a check, make payable to Vanguard University with a memo fine of “MediaHub late fee.” No credit cards.

There will be no rebuttal for any student regarding late fees. The above procedures are final notice.

If a piece of equipment is damaged, lost or stolen while checked out to you, you will be held responsible for the cost of repair or replacement of the item up to $3,000.

If you do not pay the fees posted to your account, you will not be allowed to checkout equipment, and you may be denied access to Vanguard Studios, in addition, you may be remanded to the Provost and / or a collection agency if payment is delinquent for more than 30 days.

Schedule of Fees/Fines

Late ReturnsAbandoned EquipmentDamaged EquipmentLost or Stolen Equipment
$5/hour OR $50/day$50Actual repair /replacement costs (up to $3,000)Full replacement value (up to $3,000)